State Basics: Forming a Business in Arizona

Posted by Samantha Miller on Mar 26, 2014 12:51:00 PM

dreamstimefree 232115 resized 600When forming a business in Arizona, you’ll want to be mindful of certain requirements and potential restrictions. You will have the option to form a Corporation or a Limited Liability Company. Before you make your decisions, it’s best to understand the difference between the two, and how Arizona will treat your business formation.


Corporations will be required to have a name that is entirely distinguishable from any other business registered in the State of Arizona. The name of your business must also include a corporate identifier. For corporations, you can use “Association, Corporation, Company, Incorporated, Limited” or any abbreviations of those corporate identifiers.

Arizona does not require that you list a specific business purpose on your Certificate of Incorporation. They do require that you list at least one director on your Certificate of Incorporation. The State of Arizona does require publishing.

Limited Liability Companies

When forming an LLC an Arizona, your company name must also be different and distinguishable from any other registered authorized Arizona business entity or any reserved names on record. You’ll need to include a corporate identifier. LLCs can use “Limited Liability Company, Limited Company” or any abbreviation of these words.

LLCs are not required to list a specific purpose on your Certificate of Formation and are also not required to list members on their formation documents.

Both Corporations and Limited Liability Companies may have varying annual requirements. To keep up with Arizona’s requirements, we recommend visiting their Secretary of State website, or giving us a call.

If you’re a small business looking to get started in Arizona, The Arizona Commerce Authority is a great resource where you can learn about programs that can help you get your business up and running. Arizona businesses also recommend Arizona’s SBDC Maricopa County Colleagues division. 

If you're ready to form a business in Arizona, we offer incorporation and registered agent services. Either click below or call 800.421.2661 to get started!


Form in Arizona!

Topics: Corporation Creation, Limited Liability Companies, Arizona

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