Why You Should Incorporate Companies

Posted by Cory Josephs on Jul 11, 2014 3:44:00 PM

There are 5 Different types of entities than can own a business.

  • C Corporation
  • S Corporation 
  • LLCs & LLPs 
  • General Partnerships
  • Sole Proprietorships
For more information on the different types of entities click here 
Incorporating your business into a Corporation or LLC has so many features
  1. Limit the Liability and Protect the Assets of Owners
  2. Increase Tax Savings 
  3. Raise Capital 
  4. Perpetual Existence
  5. Simple Estate and Family Planning
If you own a business as a Sole Proprietorship or General Partnership you have unlimited financial and legal liability. For example if your business gets sued your personal assets are not protected.
 Protecting Personal Assets

Topics: LLC Creation, Tips & Tricks, Corporation Creation, Limited Liability Companies, Corporations, incorporation process, incorporate now, incorporate today, incorporation, forming a business, easy incorporation, Asset Protection, s corp, business partnerships, s corporation, what is an s corporation, process

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