Why Do I Need a Registered Agent?

Posted by Samantha Miller on Aug 17, 2012 12:16:00 PM

When you were forming your business, you probably heard the term “registered agent” tossed around. During that time, you probably also asked yourself, “Why do I need a Registered Agent?” Although Registered Agent service can go unexplained or overlooked, it is a very crucial component of maintaining your company. 76132042

Let’s answer why you need a Registered Agent by breaking down their 3 most common requirements and responsibilities.

  1. Location. Nearly every state requires that you maintain a Registered Agent that is physically located within the state of your corporation or LLCs state of creation or formation. For example, if your LLC was formed in Delaware, your Registered Agent cannot be located in Maryland. Your Registered Agent’s Registered Office must be in the state of your company’s formation.
  2. Duties. Your Registered Agent is required to forward you all legal documents, state notifications, state fees, and state tax notices. Examples of these documents may be: Service of Process (lawsuits), Annual Report Notices, State Announcements, Annual Tax Notices, State Fee Late Notices, Company Status Notifications, and so on.
  3. Availability. Because many of the above mentioned documents are extremely time sensitive, your Registered Agent must always be available during common business hours, Monday through Friday. For this reason, your Registered Agent must also be a physical person with an actual location – PO Boxes will not be accepted as Registered Agent’s Registered Office by any state.
  4. Privacy. Your Registered Agent’s address is public record. This means that if you were to use your own address as the Registered Agent’s address, the public can access that information. Maintaining a separate Registered Agent other than yourself provides privacy and protection from unwanted parties finding your address.

Keep in mind that you can still incorporate your business in any state. American Incorporators offers a nationwide network of Registered Agents that are available to represent you in any state. A Registered Agent is there to make sure you receive all notifications in a timely manner. Essentially, your Registered Agent’s main purpose is to make maintaining your business a little easier for you.

These articles provide great highlights regarding Registered Agent service.

Being Your Own Registered Agent Can Be Risky

Maintaining Registered Agent Service & Other Compliance Tips

If you have any questions about Registered Agent service, feel free to post them below. Don’t forget to visit our Learning Center, where you can find more overviews of Registered Agent functions and requirements.

Topics: LLC Creation, Corporation Creation, Registered Agent

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